We’re in Sofia for the 2nd International Meeting and the 2nd Project Coordination Meeting.
There’s a lot to do, but we are very glad to meet all the Partners again, spending time all together working on the future steps of STORY_S project.
We have two strong days of work!
First of all, we discussed about the ongoing of the project and the mentoring, we shared ideas and experiences about anti-discriminatory campaigns and participatory methodologies. Finally we confirmed the framework of the survey we will carry out next months to study the impact of pur campaigns on the local level.
The keywords of these days have been: deconstructing discriminations and doing it all together, by the real and active involvement of mentors, mentees and their peers.
That’s why fundamental has been listening to Communication Professionals coming from Bulgaria, Spain, Romania and Italy. Indeed, they helped us to co-desing the common structure of the National Awareness Workshops, suggesting us key points to focus on.
With them we also imagined the aim of the anti-discriminatory campaigns, sharing, again, what unites us: the dream and the purpose to challenge the common cultural roots of discriminations, staring from the Roma ones, but, then, opening to all the other discriminations that reduce the possibilities for people to live in a more inclusive and sustainable world.