On this page you can find downloadable resources for social workers, educators, trainers, mentors and researchers we love to share and hope they can be useful in future mentoring programs. Many of these materials will be part of the Handbook for mentoring, comprising a selected collection of exercises and strategies to work with minority youth empowerment (complete by the end of 2019).

The handbook is a manual for peer to peer mentoring, comprising ideas for the design of a mentoring program, tools to use to work with youth and proposals. Also, it discusses the lessons learned from the project SPRINGBOARD TO ROMA YOUTH SUCCESS. The handbook can be downloaded in English, Spanish, Italian and Bulgarian.
5 Novembre 2019
The guidelines describe the state of the art regarding Roma education in the countries participating in the project, the activties and the results of Story_S, with reflections regardig their application, challenges and success factors. The Guidelines will be uploaded shortly here in English, Italian, Spanish, Romanian and Bulgarian.
13 Febbraio 2020
Here you can find four sheets if exercises we have carried out with our mentors and mentees during the mentoring process. These exercises are divided in four categories: matching activities, group activities, group mentoring and individual mentoring activities. Their general aims of the exercises are: – matching mentor and mentees; – fostering group cohesion and […]
2 Luglio 2019
Here you can find the Bulgarian, Italian, Romanian and Spanish anti-discrimination campaigns. The anti-discrimination campaigns have been realised by Roma and non Roma youngsters during the Awareness Rising Workshops. Then the posters have been spread during Opening National Events and Citizenship Incubators. You can also follow our anti-discrimination campaign checking out the project Facebook and Instagram […]
9 Luglio 2019
Here you can find eight exercises we have carried out with the participants (Roma and non Roma boys and girls) in the Awareness Rising Workshops. If you want to know more about our Awareness Rising Workshops let’s have a look here!
24 Maggio 2019
Here you can find eight exercises we have carried out with our mentors during the metros training.Do you want to know more about mentors training? Let’s have a look here.These exercises are just a little preview of what you can find in the “Handbook about peer to peer mentoring” we will upload on our website at […]
2 Luglio 2019
Form in English and national languages of the survey carried out to assess attitudes towards Roma and other marginalized groups. EN survey Italian survey Spanish survey Bulgarian survey
7 Novembre 2019

