The Bulgarian partners under STORY_S project organized the first citizenship incubator in April, 2019, and until the end of July, the teams of their representatives together with mentees and mentors, activate more people on the topic about discrimination. The incubators took place in Sofia – schools, daily centers, Sofia University, as well as in Kyustendil, Hisarya, Rakitovo.
The participants in the citizenships incubators were provoked to express opinions on different types of discrimination by the posters for the campaign, drawn by students from 97 High School in Sofia, and hiding some real stories behind the paintings and messages. In order to increase participants understanding of the topic and awaken their own awareness, the organizing team used non-formal methods such as role-games, brainstorming games, workshops and reflection. Going in depth participants realized the negative influence of stereotypes which create a discriminative behavior even when it is not a conscious act. They elaborated on the types of discrimination finding out there could be much more than they expected. Sharing own examples in this direction increased the empathy and contributed to more engaged approach when searching for solutions and/or prevention of discrimination. In all the places where the citizenship incubators took place, the participants concluded that in order to enhance the level of tolerance, equity and understanding of other people`s specifics and lifestyle, they should start first the change from themselves.
The Bulgarian teams of BYF and HESED were happy to see that the citizenship incubators had strong effect on the participants and that they can stimulate a real change in people’s behavior in the future, as further opportunities to realize more of them appeared.