Participatory and local approaches characterise also the planning and the implementation of ten citizenship incubators in every country partner of the project, which will take place from March to June 2019. With the expression of “citizenship incubator” we mean a place in which we try to co-create a culture of inclusion and respect.

The key players of these meetings are the Roma involved in the mentoring project and the participants involved in the design of the anti-discrimination campaign. They will act as facilitators. Supported by researchers and facilitators of STORY_S project, they will involve their peers in some of the activities they have previously and directly experienced during the workshops. Using peer learning methodologies is possible to reach more young people and promote a debate about discrimination.

The aim is to co-create a “thinking space” in which promote a raising in awareness about discriminatory dimensions of culture and subcultures where young people can act as agent of change.

Citizenship Incubators in Italy: a starting point for reflection

Fro May to July the Italian STORY_S project team realised more than 10 Citizenship Incubators: workshops for teens about discriminations issues. Through activities and plays boys and girls have experienced…

The Bulgarian Citizenship Incubators

The Bulgarian partners under STORY_S project organized the first citizenship incubator in April, 2019, and until the end of July, the teams of their representatives together with mentees and mentors,…

Anti-discrimination messages from Romania: experiencing Citizenship Incubators

In June, the STORY_S Romanian project team, mentors and mentees started taking part in the Citizenship Incubators. We were glad to see that some mentees were active facilitators of the…

Citizenship Incubator in Spain

On June 19 we have gathered at the civic center “La casa del reloj” with Roma youngster and teachers to present STORY_S. We debate about the challenges of romanies students,…
